Towards an Inclusive and Efficient Digital Transformation: Balancing Citizen Needs and Human Rights in the Age of Smart Governance and AI

Towards an Inclusive and Efficient Digital Transformation: Balancing Citizen Needs and Human Rights in the Age of Smart Governance and AI

The digital transformation has been a game-changer in modern society, affecting every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate, work, and consume to how we access and use public services. While digital technologies have brought many benefits, such as improved...
Building a Better Future: Translating the Key Aspects of 21 Lessons for the 21st Century into Social Impact Actions

Building a Better Future: Translating the Key Aspects of 21 Lessons for the 21st Century into Social Impact Actions

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, and the challenges we face are becoming increasingly complex and interconnected. From climate change to artificial intelligence, from authoritarianism to social inequality, the issues we confront require innovative and...

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